
Bizim Hikaye: who won World Heart



In Turkish television, “Bizim Hikaye” (Our Story) stands out as a landmark series that captivated audiences with its raw and emotional portrayal of family, poverty, and resilience. As the Turkish adaptation of the famous American series “Shameless,” “Bizim Hikaye” brought a unique cultural perspective to the universal themes of survival and familial bonds. With a compelling narrative, memorable characters, and strong performances, the show quickly became a hit in Turkey and internationally.

Background and Concept of Bizim Hikaye

“Bizim Hikaye” premiered on September 14, 2017, on the Turkish channel Fox TV. The series was adapted from the American show “Shameless,” which aired on Showtime and was an adaptation of the British series of the same name. The Turkish version was created by Hatice Meryem and directed by Serdar Gözelekli, with a screenplay tailored to resonate with Turkish audiences while retaining the original’s core elements.

The show is set in a lower-income neighborhood in Istanbul. It revolves around the Elibol family, a group of siblings who struggle to make ends meet without reliable parental support. The story primarily follows Filiz Elibol, the eldest sibling, who assumes the role of a surrogate mother to her younger brothers and sisters. The series delves into their challenges, from financial hardship to personal struggles, while maintaining their family unity.

Plot Overview

The plot of “Bizim Hikaye” centers on the daily lives of the Elibol family. Filiz (played by Hazal Kaya) is the eldest of six siblings and has taken on the responsibility of caring for her brothers and sister after their mother abandoned them and their father, Fikri Elibol (played by Reha Özcan), turned to alcohol. Filiz’s life is a constant struggle to keep her family together, working multiple jobs and sacrificing her happiness for the sake of her siblings.

The story takes a dramatic turn when Barış (played by Burak Deniz), a charming and mysterious young man, enters Filiz’s life. Barış is instantly drawn to Filiz’s strength and determination, and despite her initial reluctance, a romance begins to blossom between them. However, Barış’s hidden past and questionable activities create tension and uncertainty, adding complexity to their relationship.

The Elibol family faces numerous challenges throughout the series, including financial difficulties, legal troubles, and personal conflicts. Each sibling has a storyline, contributing to the rich tapestry of the narrative. The series portrays the harsh realities of life for those living on the margins of society. Still, it emphasizes the importance of love, loyalty, and resilience in adversity.


Main Characters of Bizim Hikaye

Filiz Elibol

Filiz Elibol, played by Hazal Kaya, is the heart and soul of “Bizim Hikaye.” As the eldest sibling, she fiercely protects her brothers and sister, often putting their needs above hers. Filiz is a strong, independent woman who has had to grow up quickly due to her family’s circumstances. Her character embodies resilience and selflessness, making her a relatable and sympathetic figure for viewers.

Hazal Kaya’s portrayal of Filiz was widely praised for its depth and authenticity. Kaya successfully conveyed the emotional burden that Filiz carries and her unwavering determination to keep her family together. Filiz’s journey throughout the series, from struggling to survive to finding love and happiness, is a central theme that resonates with audiences.

Barış Aktan

Barış, portrayed by Burak Deniz, is the mysterious and charismatic love interest of Filiz. Barış’s character is complex, with a troubled past and a tendency to keep secrets. Despite his flaws, Barış is deeply in love with Filiz and is willing to go to great lengths to support her and her family. His relationship with Filiz is central to the series, providing romantic and dramatic tension.

Burak Deniz’s performance as Barış was a significant factor in the show’s success. His chemistry with Hazal Kaya was palpable, and his portrayal of a character torn between his love for Filiz and his secret life added depth to the narrative. Barış’s journey of redemption and his struggle to overcome his past were crucial elements that kept viewers engaged.

Fikri Elibol

Fikri Elibol, played by Reha Özcan, is the father of the Elibol siblings. Fikri is an alcoholic and largely irresponsible, often causing more problems than he solves. Despite his flaws, Fikri is a complex character with moments of vulnerability and occasional attempts to be a better father. His relationship with his children, particularly with Filiz, is fraught with tension but also moments of unexpected warmth.

Reha Özcan’s portrayal of Fikri brought humor and pathos to the series. Fikri’s antics often provided comic relief, but his character also represented the destructive impact of addiction on a family. Özcan’s ability to balance these contrasting aspects of Fikri made him a memorable and multifaceted character.

Hikmet, Rahmet, Kiraz, Fikret, and İsmet Elibol

The younger Elibol siblings each have unique personalities and storylines, adding to the richness of the series. Hikmet (played by Nejat Uygur) is the second eldest sibling, a sensitive and romantic young man. Rahmet (played by Yağız Can Konyalı) is a clever and ambitious brother who excels in school. Kiraz (played by Zeynep Selimoğlu) and Fikret (played by Alp Akar) are the younger siblings, each dealing with the challenges of growing up in a dysfunctional family. İsmet, the youngest, is often the silent observer of the chaos around him.

The dynamics between the siblings are central to the show’s appeal, highlighting themes of family loyalty, sacrifice, and the bond that holds them together despite the odds.

Themes and Social Commentary

“Bizim Hikaye” is not just a family drama; it also serves as a social commentary on the issues facing lower-income families in Turkey. The series tackles themes such as poverty, addiction, and social inequality, shedding light on the struggles of those living on the margins of society. It portrays the harsh realities of life for many families, emphasizing the importance of resilience, love, and unity.

One of the most compelling aspects of “Bizim Hikaye” is its depiction of women’s strength and resilience, mainly through the character of Filiz. The series portrays the challenges faced by women in patriarchal societies, where they often have to shoulder the responsibilities of both caregiving and breadwinning. Filiz’s character is a powerful representation of female empowerment, as she defies societal expectations and refuses to give up despite the many obstacles in her path.

The show also explores the impact of addiction on families, mainly through the character of Fikri. Fikri’s alcoholism is a source of constant turmoil for the Elibol family, leading to financial difficulties, legal troubles, and emotional strain. However, the series also humanizes Fikri, showing that he is not simply a caricature of a bad father but a man struggling with his demons.

Reception and Impact of Bizim Hikaye

“Bizim Hikaye” was a commercial and critical success in Turkey, quickly becoming one of the most-watched series on Turkish television. Its popularity extended beyond Turkey, as the series was dubbed and subtitled in multiple languages, allowing it to reach a global audience. The show was top-rated in the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America, where Turkish dramas have a strong following.

Critics praised the show for its strong performances, particularly those of Hazal Kaya and Burak Deniz. The chemistry between the two leads was often highlighted as one of the show’s most vital elements. The series was also commended for its realistic portrayal of life in a lower-income neighborhood and its ability to balance drama with moments of humor and warmth.

The success of “Bizim Hikaye” also significantly impacted the careers of its lead actors. Hazal Kaya and Burak Deniz gained widespread recognition and acclaim for their performances, solidifying their status as leading actors in the Turkish entertainment industry. The show also helped to popularize Turkish dramas further, contributing to the growing global interest in Turkish television.


“Bizim Hikaye” is more than just an adaptation of a famous American series; it is a unique and powerful story resonating with audiences in Turkey and worldwide. The series captured viewers ‘ hearts through its compelling characters, emotional depth, and social commentary and left a lasting impact on Turkish television.

The show’s success is a testament to the universal appeal of stories about family, love, and survival. Whether through the struggles of the Elibol family or the romance between Filiz and Barış, “Bizim Hikaye” told a story that was both specific to its cultural context and universally relatable. As Turkish dramas continue to gain popularity globally, “Bizim Hikaye” stands as a shining example of the power of storytelling to transcend borders and connect with audiences everywhere.


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